Qurban Animal Assistance to Darul Hikmah Azzainiyyah Islamic Boarding SchoolTue, 12 Jul 2022
July 12, 2022, With regard to Eid al-Adha 1443 H, DNR Corporation through its subsidiary DNR Logistics provided Qurban Animal assistance through the Insan Cerdas Sejahtera Foundation. This qurban animal assistance is addressed to Darul Hikmah Azzainiyyah Islamic Boarding School in Cimaya Village, Leuwisadeng District, Bogor, West Java. Sacrificial animals in the form of 1 cow were handed over directly by DNR Logistic representatives to representatives of the pesantren, namely K.H Abdul Qodir. Sacrificial animal assistance is expected to help spread blessings and happiness to the residents of the pesantren and the surrounding community.