
DNR Offers a Variety of COVID-19 Detection Test Services. What are the Differences?

Thu, 04 Feb 2021

Since the end of 2019, the world has been shocked by an outbreak originating from Wuhan, China, with the cause being the Corona virus (SARS-CoV-2). Coronavirus infections spread quickly and are transmitted between humans. To date, COVID-19 has been detected in many countries. Indonesia is no exception, with the first patient confirmed positive for COVID-19 in early March 2020.

It has been almost a year since the Corona Virus has run rampant in various parts of the world, and Indonesia is one of the countries experiencing an increase in confirmed COVID-19 patients. Until now, the highest number is in the DKI Jakarta area, where the center of business and fast movement will mobilize.

The respiratory and digestive tracts are the main targets of this virus so that the transmission routes can vary, namely by direct contact, airborne, fecal-oral, and contaminated fomites. The incubation period of the coronavirus is about 5 days (2-14 days).

In addition, will all those confirmed positive for Covid-19 feel the same symptoms? Not necessarily, because even some people do not experience any symptoms. Then how to distinguish it?

The Indonesian Ministry of Health sets several criteria related to COVID-19, namely asymptomatic people (OTG), people under monitoring (ODP), patients under surveillance (PDP), and confirmed cases.

Asymptomatic People are people who have a risk of contracting or close contact with COVID-19 confirmed patients. While People Under Monitoring (ODP) People are those who have a fever ≥38⁰C or a history of fever; or symptoms of respiratory tract disease, such as cough, runny nose, and sore throat and have a history of contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases within 14 days before symptoms appear.

In addition, Patient Under Surveillance (PDP), is a person with symptoms of acute respiratory infection (ARI), namely fever ≥38⁰C or a history of fever; accompanied by one of the symptoms/signs of respiratory disease, such as cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, or mild to severe pneumonia, or no other cause based on a convincing clinical picture and has a history of traveling or living in an area reporting local transmission within 14 days before the onset of symptoms.

The last is a confirmed case, which is someone who has a positive PCR swab test result for COVID-19.

Covid-19 Prevention Steps

To avoid contracting COVID-19, the Government of Indonesia has launched several preventive measures, namely conducting Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), especially in DKI Jakarta, to minimize people from traveling and crowding.

In addition, the government also promoted 3M, namely:

1. Washing hands with running water and soap, for at least 20 seconds. In addition to water, cleaning hands with hand sanitizer can also be done. Use hand sanitizer products with a minimum alcohol content of 60% to be more effective in eradicating germs.

2. Wear a mask when outside the home. In general, there are two types of masks that can be used to prevent transmission of the Corona virus, namely surgical masks and N95 masks.

3. Keep your distance or avoid crowds. Physical restriction is one of the important steps to break the chain of spreading the Corona virus. This can be done by not traveling outside the home, except for urgent or emergency needs, physical restrictions are also carried out by maintaining a minimum distance of 1 meter from other people and always wearing a mask, especially when doing activities in public places or crowds.

In addition, the government has also appealed to the public to carry out Covid-19 detection tests as an initial screening step to find out the centers of spread. There are several tests that can be done, of course, with different levels of accuracy and the process of getting results. The types of tests are, Rapid Antibody test, Swab Antigen, and Swab PCR.

Supporting the Government, DNR Presents Various Covid-19 Detection Test Services

To support the government's program against COVID-19, DNR Corporation presents rapid antibody test services under the brand name Star Plus Diagnostic, PCR swab test under the brand name PCR Express and swab antigen test under the brand name Antigen Express. All of these tests are used as a way to detect the Corona virus in the body.

Each has different differences, advantages and accuracy, here's an explanation:

Star Plus Diagnostic (Rapid Antibody Test), often used as an initial examination or screening for COVID-19. As the name implies, the results of the rapid test can be known immediately in a short time, usually only about a few minutes. this is the earliest type of rapid test to appear. antibody rapid test examinations use blood samples taken from the fingertips or veins. Unfortunately, this test has the lowest level of accuracy in detecting the presence of the Corona virus in the body compared to other tests. Interestingly, the price of rapid tests is relatively the cheapest compared to other tests.

Antigen Express (Swab Antigen Test), in the antigen test the action taken is to take a sample of mucus from the nose or throat through the swab process. the level of accuracy is much better than the rapid test. The time required to obtain the results is also quite short, only about 15 - 30 minutes. Interestingly, the Antigen Express service that DNR offers is very affordable, fairly below the market price that we usually find.

Next is PCR Express (Swab PCR Test), the PCR test is the most recommended test by the World Health Organization (WHO) to diagnose COVID-19 because the accuracy rate of the PCR test is quite high. But this examination takes a long time until the results come out. But it's different with PCR Express, which also provides mobile services to make it easier for people who want to check wherever you are, without having to visit a health facility. The time required to get the results is also fast, no need to wait for days, but only under 24 hours. PCR Express also has an application that can be downloaded directly on the Google Play Store as an easy step to register.

DNR always supports the government program to jointly fight Covid-19, by providing the best Covid-19 detection test services, with high quality, and affordable prices.

#DNR Corporation #Covid-19 #Rapid Antibody #Antigen #Swab PCR #Antigen Express #PCR Express #Mobile PCR #Health Care